Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Dog Walks

I love taking Copper on walks. Part of the reason we wanted an athletic dog was so he could go hiking and jogging and go on long walks with us. It's a lot of fun.

The problem with taking long walks with Copper is that walking seems to make him poop more. Sometimes 3 times in a 2 or 3 mile then I have to carry stinky baggies all the way home.

Then we discovered the Dog Pack. Yes, now Copper carries his OWN poop. We also use it so he can carry his toys, and my house keys and cell phone. Genius.


It's funny to me how we forget important things.

I have to take a comprehensive exam on Monday, which covers the last two years of my schooling. I have to go back to Fall, 2009 for some of the information. Yikes.

So I start going through the information from Fall 2009, and I don't know HOW I knew ANY of it. I just plain do not remember answering those questions on the exams, or knowing stuff like "the difference between forehead and mastoid bone conductor placement". Yikes.

Let's just's probably going to be a long week.

On the bright side, I just bought Mulan, which has been my "study buddy"

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Poking. Poking. Poking

I know a lot of people make fun of poking, and I rarely do it myself, but I do find it very fun.

Poke POKE PoKe pOkE poke pOke POke  pOke POke pOKE poKe POKe Poke POKE PoKe pOkE pOKE poKe POKe Poke POKE  pOke POke pOKE poKe POKe Poke POKE PoKe pOkE  pOke POke  pOke POke pOKE poKe POKe Poke POKE PoKe pOkE pOKE poKe POKe Poke POKE PoKe pOkE PoKe pOke POke pOKE poKe POKe Poke POKE PoKe pOkE pOkE poke pOke POke pOKE poKe POKE   pOke POke pOKE poKe POKe Poke POKE PoKe pOkE pOke POke pOKE poKe POKe Poke  pOke POke pOKE poKe POKe Poke POKE PoKe pOkEPOKE PoKe  pOke POke pOKE poKe POKe Poke POKE PoKe  pOke POke pOKE poKe POKe Poke POKE PoKe pOkEpOkE pOkE


Ima Cater

Why do people do this to thier children? Me and a couple women spent some time trying to stifle the laughter for a while when we were presented with his woman.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Louis Pasteur

Louis Pasteur
Louis Pasteur

Pastor Palmer
I heard an Asian trying to explain how hard it is to understand the difference of those three words.

Somehow I can hear a difference in all three. Gatta love Asians. I know I do.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Airport Security

'nuff said.

Speaking of food...

Know what's delicious?

Taco salad.

Eating in a car

Every so often, because life is so hectic, one finds oneself eating a fast food meal while driving somewhere in a car. It is a necessity, almost. And then the smell of fried fries lingers in the car for a few days, reminding you of your busy, hectic schedule.

But how often does your meal COME in a car??

I think there are few things as fun as ordering a kids meal from Jake's Over The Top, and having it delivered in a car. Then, you don't have french fry smell lingering in your own car. Best of both worlds!