Saturday, July 23, 2011


Now that I am working away from home and don't see Chris during the week, I fully understand the definition of "weekend warrior". Not that I don't LOVE what I am doing during the week, but it's hard to be away from the family sometimes.

Today is Saturday. I came home yesterday, and my one goal for this morning was to sleep in, because I am up (easily) by 6 a.m. every morning.

I woke up today, the sun shining through the window, the dog sleeping next to me... I yawn, stretch, roll over to check the clock, and it's... 7 a.m.?!?!?!?!?!?


Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Two if by Tea

Let me just start this post by saying that I am a Rush Limbaugh fan. Actually, fanatic may be more appropriate. I have been listening to Rush Limbaugh since I was 3 months old (his radio show started to be nationally broadcast in August of 1988; I was born in May of 1988). So, as of this August, I have been listening to him for 23 years.

Now, let me also tell you that I am a BIG fan of tea, yes, tea, in any way, shape, or form. I drink hot tea for breakfast, herbal tea at night before bed, iced tea on a hot day... yes. I love tea.

And the combination of tea and Rush Limbaugh? Priceless.

My wonderful husband bought and sent to me some Rush Limbaugh tea while I am staying up here in Rochester. It is Raspberry iced tea, kind of like the Snapple stuff, and it is delicious.

To make it even more awesome the profits from Two if by Tea (Rush's tea) go to the Marine Corps - Law Enforcement Foundation, which is a charity supporting children of our military men.

It is simply a thing of beauty.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Because people care what I have to say.

I would like to pretend for just one minuet that I am a famous blogger. As a famous blogger I can write reviews on movies, books, politics, and so forth and people care...

Today's topics is Harry potter seven, part two.

The finale of the harry potter saga was exactly what every avid Harry potter fan has waited for. For once, that acting, the magic, the directing all came together in what may have been one rememberable classic. But they ruined it. Anyone who has eveer read the books waited on the edge of their seats to hear mrs. Weasly say "not my daugher you *€£?@$". And I tell you what. The entire movie failed for me because of how disappointing that one line was. I could do nothing but shake my head until the movie was finally over. So disappointing....

If only i was the director. It woukd have started by proving that bellatrix lesstrange was a powerful wizard by viewing a deul between he and three other witches. Then at the near death of her daughter Mrs. Weasly would have been standing in the middle of the hall and she would have screamed her famous line, like only a mother really can. After which she would have proven to be a far more powerful witch.

If only if only.....

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Bagel Sandwich

This morning, I was late for church. So, I had to eat something that I could take in the car with me...Obviously, that leaves cereal out. And oatmeal. And eggs.


Bagel sandwich. With eggs, melted cheese, and a toasted honey wheat bagel. It just struck me, out of nowhere. I am a genius.

Also, I think I want another one tomorrow morning. But we'll see.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Google Blogger booger

I am super annoyed right now! I just spent the last 20 minuets trying to leave a nice comment on my good Friend Katie's posts. This is what happened.

The force that will indubitably take over the world one day

1. Type Comment
2. Select Profile: Google Account
3. Sign in
4. Word verification : gerulib 
5. Select Profile: Google Account 
6. Sign in 
7. Word Verification : baksne
8. Select Profile : Google Account
9. Sign In
10. Word Verification: I HATE YOU GOOGLE ACCOUNT!!!!! 

Who was it that said insanity was doing something over and over and expecting a different result? Well I DO expect a different result! I expect it to let me post my comment! 

I am so done with comments. I love your posts Katie! You always make me laugh. (There I commented... so Ha!) 

Wednesday, July 13, 2011


Do you know what is really annoying? Going without a hair dryer.

I went home for the weekend (like usual) and while I was there, I brought my hair dryer. When my hair dries naturally, it tends to look kind of like the picture below...or at least like a bad 1970s hair style. It's not good. So, I tend to bring my hair dryer with me home so I don't look like that at church on Sundays...

So this morning, I go to take a shower, get out, eat breakfast, and then realize that I left my hair dryer in Apple Valley, which is much to far away from me. CRISIS!!!!!!!!!! Luckily, I was planning on walking to work today, and I brought my hairbrush with me, so by the time I got there it was mostly tamed, and I brushed it into a pony tail, and suffered with some frizz.

First thing after work: Bought hair dryer.

There are just some things you can live without. For everything else, there MasterCard (or however I paid for the hair dryer).


Ok. It is halfway through July, and one-quarter of the way through my time at the Mayo Clinic for my first internship. Can I just say that I LOVE IT? It is going well.

For part of our testing that we do in the balance and vestibular lab up at Mayo Clinic, we do Calorics testing, which means we put water into somebody's ear canal that is either 7 degrees warmer or cooler than body temperature, and stimulate the balance response. Meaning, they get dizzy when we do this test.

The other day, somebody got so dizzy that she threw up. (Well, they aren't allowed to eat before testing, so, more retched). For a good amount of time.

I, being absurdly afraid of vomit, wanted to crawl in a corner and cry. Especially for thinking it was my fault for doing that to the patient.

The RANDOM part is, after the testing is over (and I was a big, brave girl), she THANKED us for our time. Yes, THANKED. Wow.

This is the machine I use to deliver water into patient's ears.

Annoying the Husband

Evil little bugger
I have discovered a few things that annoy the husband. I thought I should share them for your own reference.

So to all you wives out there. Be ye warned.
It annoys your husband when....

#1- He has to run across the house because you just screamed loudly due to a scorpion that you almost stepped on as you were getting out of the shower.
#2- You just stand there naked in a bathtub because  you are too scared to get your towel.
#3- You scream again because he almost got stung while trying to kill the scorpion with a bobby pin.
Being of the Inferno

#4- You continue to stand in the bathtub (naked and cold by this point) scared to move because your husband just put the scorpion in the toilet (wihtout squishing it!!!) and it is still squirming around.
#5- When you continue to whine for five mins that scorpion is still moving and he has to watch it until it dies or it my come out again, and can he imagine how awful it would be to get stung in the rear end and oh my gosh it is still alive! and you really wish he had just squished with a shoe when he had the chance, and could he come flush the toilet for you..... please?  

The husband won't be happy. I think he likes his peace and quiet.

Ye be warned. Good luck!
The devil himself encapsulated in a... bug.