Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Annoying the Husband

Evil little bugger
I have discovered a few things that annoy the husband. I thought I should share them for your own reference.

So to all you wives out there. Be ye warned.
It annoys your husband when....

#1- He has to run across the house because you just screamed loudly due to a scorpion that you almost stepped on as you were getting out of the shower.
#2- You just stand there naked in a bathtub because  you are too scared to get your towel.
#3- You scream again because he almost got stung while trying to kill the scorpion with a bobby pin.
Being of the Inferno

#4- You continue to stand in the bathtub (naked and cold by this point) scared to move because your husband just put the scorpion in the toilet (wihtout squishing it!!!) and it is still squirming around.
#5- When you continue to whine for five mins that scorpion is still moving and he has to watch it until it dies or it my come out again, and can he imagine how awful it would be to get stung in the rear end and oh my gosh it is still alive! and you really wish he had just squished with a shoe when he had the chance, and could he come flush the toilet for you..... please?  

The husband won't be happy. I think he likes his peace and quiet.

Ye be warned. Good luck!
The devil himself encapsulated in a... bug.



  2. By the way, love the new layout.
