OK. So Kara must guess if Kaite's baby is a boy or a girl.
There are 6,928,198,253 people on this planet, and a little know fact is that according to the most recent estimation the ratio of boys to girls (at birth) is about 1.07. That means you have a 7% higher chance of having a boy.
I will take those chances. I say it is a boy.
haha, I think you are the first scientific guess. Other people have said they think it's a girl because I have big hips (sad that it was so noticeable!!) and other people think it's a boy because we have had a lot of baby girls in our church recently...but nobody has involved numbers. I approve of your guess. :)
ReplyDeleteThis website says.... boy? I think?
ReplyDeleteWell, in the official countdown: TWO DAYS LEFT UNTIL I FIND OUT!! The ultrasound is at 9:00 a.m.
ReplyDeletei just realized. You told me 2 day...... SIX DAYS AGO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!