Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Do you ever wonder what dogs are thinking?

We have two dogs. Sort of. Copper, a big shiba inu puppy dog just over a year old, and Gizmo, a 13-year-old pekingese-pomeranian mix. Gizmo is fairly certain that he is, in fact, NOT a dog. Not only that, he seems to think it insulting when we might suggest that he is a dog. Copper is 100% pure dog. And when they get together Copper thinks that EVERYTHING Gizmo does is some sort of playful action. Gizmo thinks that EVERYTHING Copper does is extremely disgusting and insulting. I would just love to hear a conversation between them. I think it would go something like this:

Gizmo: Grrrrrrrr
Copper: You want to play? You want to play? Play? Play? Play? *wag, wag, wag, howl*
Gizmo: I hate your face. Please do not insinuate that I would EVER play with YOU.
Copper: Play? *Woof woof!!*
Gizmo: Seriously?


  1. For as long as I can remember, your mom always made up thought for your dogs. And now you are doing it. Did you ever imagin that would happen?

  2. Oh absolutely. But I think it's universal...because it seems that most people with animals make up thoughts for them.. But I knew it would happen.

  3. *sigh* katie started making up dogs thoughts even when she was in high school. and since i have nothing else to do because i have no sisters at home to entertain me i started doing it at a very early age. *sigh*
