Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Christmas Garland

I have a freind, who taught me how to make a Christmas Garland. So.... I did! IT IS GORGEOUS! I love it! These photos do NOT do it justice. In real life... in makes you want to cry. It is THAT good.

Oh happiness.


  1. I LOVE it!! It looks like it turned out great!! Isn't it fun to make, too? There is something really satisfying about making your own decorations...

  2. Looks like it turned out awesome. Glad to see that you're super humble about it, too.

  3. Thanks Goldfixe! (Is that Kristy H.?) I don't do crafts around my house often! So I was very excited about the success of this one! I am glad you commented on my blog! I found yours and it was fun to read!
