Thursday, November 17, 2011

Copper is our "firstborn" :)

I was comforted this past week with proof that I am NOT the craziest person in the world when it comes to my dog... I thought I was, because I have a facebook page for my dog. And not only do I have a facebook page for him, I respond as though I were actually Copper. For example, "Looking forward to my walk with Mom today!" etc.

So his birthday rolls around last week, and I bought him a birthday present. And wrapped it. And put treats in the wrapping because I thought maybe he would tear into the package that way.

I was pretty convinced that I was just about as bad as it gets.

But then, one of our friends sent Copper a birthday card!! I was so excited to get it in the mail I couldn't believe it. I'm probably going to make a scrap book of Copper, just so I can put that card in it.

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