Tuesday, March 13, 2012

I'll show you mine, if you'll show me yours.....

HAHAHA. I know i know, the title for this is bad... but hopefully no one really looks at this blog but you and I... ;)

I will try to remember to get a photo of my old license so you can see how awful it is....


  1. I was going to say...this looks great! If this is the "bad" picture, there is no way I am showing mine. *Sigh* when it comes in the mail I will show it to you. But maybe not on a public blog.

  2. This isn't the bad one.... that one is at home, and I only look at this blog when I am at work.... :( This is the good one that I am SOOOOO proud of!

  3. I'm jealous. I really really am going to hate showing my license for the next 4 years. Maybe it is a good thing we don't have flight benefits anymore... I would always have to fly with my passport because I wouldn't want to show my ID. And now I'll be SUPER motivated to drive very carefully, so I don't get pulled over and have to show my ID to the cop... They might give me a ticket and revoke my license just because the picture is so bad.
