oh my gosh..
I am turning into one of those crazy health nuts.
Save me.
This last weekend I got really sick.... like so sick I couldn't eat sick... you know?
Called my doctor and he thinks that it is a digestive problem... in fact he says, it might be the reason I gained all the weight in the first place (plus all the bad-for-me-foods I ate, not trying to say it isn't my fault, but I usually ate those foods and was fine, but the last year it was NOT fine) Basically, my body isn't digesting.... anything. SO it takes a huge amount of energy to digest, and I feel drained and nauseous.
So today I started a serious regimen of Enzymes and Amino Acids.... probiotics are to come.
I haven't eaten in two days, beucase I felt so sick.. The only things that even SOUNDED appealing were brownies. I ate lunch today and it felt GGRRRREAT!
So... doc says that I can balance my system and this won't be permanent. Wish me luck!
Monday, April 30, 2012
Just watched a TV series on the Kennedy Family. Why did ANYONE like him?
It is a genuine question. He was such a D*******. And they were trying to put him in a good light!!! Ha! FAIL.
The only answer people can give me is that he is good looking.
Our world is condemed.
It is a genuine question. He was such a D*******. And they were trying to put him in a good light!!! Ha! FAIL.
The only answer people can give me is that he is good looking.
Our world is condemed.
Alright. I just started a no fat, no starch, no carb diet to get over a platoe that I was struggling with.
I don't regret the diet. I think every now and then you need something to shock your system. You know? My plan was to do this for three weeks, and then go back to my normal calorie counting. It totally worked! But I couldn't have chosen a WORSE time to do this.
Week I - I had a customer on site all week. I can take this customer to whatever restaurant that I like and we can spend as much as we want. Usually I go to places like Cheesecake factory and take some cheesecake home for after work. But nope! This was my order "Uh.. this salad, but no cheese, no pecans, no croutons, and dressing on the side please. Actually... can you just bring me some Ice burg lettus and tomatoes please?" Stupid.
Week II - My company is having their annual meeting, where we all get together and we go through training. Food is provided every day (and usually is it really GOOD food like Chipotle) and we go to dinner twice, PLUS we golf on Thursday and there is a buffet. Yup. that's right. I am eating homemade lunches.
Week III - This is NEXT week. I have to travel for work. It will be a MIRACLE if I make. How do you diet in a drive through?
So my good friend Katie is asking right now "Why don't you just do your diet in a few weeks from now, to make it easier?" Well Katie... I will tell you the answer. Because we have a weigh in for our Biggest Looser, and I am neck in neck with someone else, and I couldn't stand to get on the scale having lost nothing. You know? It would be too embarrassing. I can't wait, I had to do it now.
Anyway, they are setting up dinner downstairs right now, and I am dreading going down there. Everyone is going to notice I am not eating, and I am not looking forward to it. This sucks big time. They are having German food. I LOVE DUMPLINGS! Speaking of which, did you say you made some? You should send me a recipie.
So I makes myselft feel better by making long lists of food I am going to eat when this whole thing is over in July. That's right. I have learned nothing about a lifestyle change, and right now I coudln't care less. I just want to eat yummy food. That is all I can think about. Who freaking cares if I gain it back anyway? I wasn't THAT unhealthy... just a little bit.....
Lost 29 lbs! maybe I will just keep saying that. 29lbs 29lbs 29lbs. Somehow that should make it better... right?
I keep thinking I should throw a swimsuit party. That way I can feel good about something. Cause I am in a bad mood right now.. and I only feel cruddy. Why am I doing this stupid diet anyway?
Or if I won the biggest looser for this month. That would make it better. But I don't think so. I think I will be around 17% and the other guy will be about about 19%. Sucks. I BETTER win the next month. Or I will kill something.
I don't regret the diet. I think every now and then you need something to shock your system. You know? My plan was to do this for three weeks, and then go back to my normal calorie counting. It totally worked! But I couldn't have chosen a WORSE time to do this.
Week I - I had a customer on site all week. I can take this customer to whatever restaurant that I like and we can spend as much as we want. Usually I go to places like Cheesecake factory and take some cheesecake home for after work. But nope! This was my order "Uh.. this salad, but no cheese, no pecans, no croutons, and dressing on the side please. Actually... can you just bring me some Ice burg lettus and tomatoes please?" Stupid.
Week II - My company is having their annual meeting, where we all get together and we go through training. Food is provided every day (and usually is it really GOOD food like Chipotle) and we go to dinner twice, PLUS we golf on Thursday and there is a buffet. Yup. that's right. I am eating homemade lunches.
Week III - This is NEXT week. I have to travel for work. It will be a MIRACLE if I make. How do you diet in a drive through?
So my good friend Katie is asking right now "Why don't you just do your diet in a few weeks from now, to make it easier?" Well Katie... I will tell you the answer. Because we have a weigh in for our Biggest Looser, and I am neck in neck with someone else, and I couldn't stand to get on the scale having lost nothing. You know? It would be too embarrassing. I can't wait, I had to do it now.
Anyway, they are setting up dinner downstairs right now, and I am dreading going down there. Everyone is going to notice I am not eating, and I am not looking forward to it. This sucks big time. They are having German food. I LOVE DUMPLINGS! Speaking of which, did you say you made some? You should send me a recipie.
So I makes myselft feel better by making long lists of food I am going to eat when this whole thing is over in July. That's right. I have learned nothing about a lifestyle change, and right now I coudln't care less. I just want to eat yummy food. That is all I can think about. Who freaking cares if I gain it back anyway? I wasn't THAT unhealthy... just a little bit.....
Lost 29 lbs! maybe I will just keep saying that. 29lbs 29lbs 29lbs. Somehow that should make it better... right?
I keep thinking I should throw a swimsuit party. That way I can feel good about something. Cause I am in a bad mood right now.. and I only feel cruddy. Why am I doing this stupid diet anyway?
Or if I won the biggest looser for this month. That would make it better. But I don't think so. I think I will be around 17% and the other guy will be about about 19%. Sucks. I BETTER win the next month. Or I will kill something.
Friday, April 20, 2012
Oh government... Always good for a laugh
So, part of graduation is "exit loan counseling" from the federal government. I go online do to my loan counseling, and one of the pages that comes up is "Money Management Tips"... hahahaha, I think it would be wise to NOT take money management tips from the government.
Maybe the federal government should take their own loan counseling?
The irony of it all is just almost disturbing.
Maybe the federal government should take their own loan counseling?
The irony of it all is just almost disturbing.
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
At Kara's Request
Here are my Katie google results:
Katie is..
1) Awesome (...I can't say I disagree with that..)
2) Short for what name (Well, yes, I suppose that is a logical question to ask with a name like Katie.)
3) A poo (Hey, now. That's not very nice).
Katie should..
1) Have Gone (Have gone...to...whre? Where should I have gone?)
2) ..er bag (shoulder bag? Katie shoulder bag? I'm almost curious enough to complete the search and see what that is)
Katie needs..(this one produced my favorite, so there are more)
1) Hula lessons (Wow, google actually knows me really well for this to be the first one to pop up. Creepy)
2) To work on her posture (Yeah, that's probably true too. However, I have been sitting up straighter since there is an 8-lb. person inside of me kicking me whenever I slouch)
3) Blog (Not "a blog", but just "katie needs blog". Well, I have blog. I have multiple blog actually. Fail google).
4) To go (to...the store? I am actually out of floss)
5) A boyfriend (False. Katie is married. Boyfriends no longer necessary ever again)
6) To get a life (ok, this might be true... I don't actually have one of those in the typical college since.. but I do like mine!)
7) A shower (I just took one this morning. I promise. I almost fell asleep in there because it felt so nice.)
8) A bra (Hey now, I am definitely wearing one of those.)
Katie is..
1) Awesome (...I can't say I disagree with that..)
2) Short for what name (Well, yes, I suppose that is a logical question to ask with a name like Katie.)
3) A poo (Hey, now. That's not very nice).
Katie should..
1) Have Gone (Have gone...to...whre? Where should I have gone?)
2) ..er bag (shoulder bag? Katie shoulder bag? I'm almost curious enough to complete the search and see what that is)
Katie needs..(this one produced my favorite, so there are more)
1) Hula lessons (Wow, google actually knows me really well for this to be the first one to pop up. Creepy)
2) To work on her posture (Yeah, that's probably true too. However, I have been sitting up straighter since there is an 8-lb. person inside of me kicking me whenever I slouch)
3) Blog (Not "a blog", but just "katie needs blog". Well, I have blog. I have multiple blog actually. Fail google).
4) To go (to...the store? I am actually out of floss)
5) A boyfriend (False. Katie is married. Boyfriends no longer necessary ever again)
6) To get a life (ok, this might be true... I don't actually have one of those in the typical college since.. but I do like mine!)
7) A shower (I just took one this morning. I promise. I almost fell asleep in there because it felt so nice.)
8) A bra (Hey now, I am definitely wearing one of those.)
Monday, April 16, 2012
Sunday, April 15, 2012
Saturday, April 14, 2012
Kara Is.....
There is a game I love to play periodically. Type "Kara Needs" (or your own name would probably be better for you) into Google and see what it tells you. This can also be done with other fun phrases such as "Kara wants" "Kara Should" or "Kara is." I love this game! Here are some of my results!!!
Kara Is....
1) Self Aware K:That is good to know, but aren't most humans?
2) A Steel Iron Bracelet K: Strong and beautiful!
3) A tall, skinny girl who has an amazing personality. All a man can handle, if he becomes so lucky to even have her. K: Yeah I am!
4) NOT quantic dream's next game. K: Thank goodness!
5) The new face of motion capture technology... K: uh.... really?
6) THE cute college girl K: I didn't realize this was going to be such a confidence booster!
7) is a self aware android... K: Who is about to take over the world
8) The third judge to walk away from being a judge on American Idol. K: It wasn't a hard decision. I don't really like the show all that much.
9) Friend K: Not "Kara is A friend" just "Kara is Friend."
10) Life K:Deep. Wish I knew what it meant.
Kara Is....
1) Self Aware K:That is good to know, but aren't most humans?
2) A Steel Iron Bracelet K: Strong and beautiful!
3) A tall, skinny girl who has an amazing personality. All a man can handle, if he becomes so lucky to even have her. K: Yeah I am!
4) NOT quantic dream's next game. K: Thank goodness!
5) The new face of motion capture technology... K: uh.... really?
6) THE cute college girl K: I didn't realize this was going to be such a confidence booster!
7) is a self aware android... K: Who is about to take over the world
8) The third judge to walk away from being a judge on American Idol. K: It wasn't a hard decision. I don't really like the show all that much.
9) Friend K: Not "Kara is A friend" just "Kara is Friend."
10) Life K:Deep. Wish I knew what it meant.
Thursday, April 12, 2012
House Chores
Do you ever just stare at the blog and hope that a new post will pop up? I have been staring at the blog for like 5 minutes now, trying to avoid doing all of the house chores that I know I have to do, by hoping that a new post pops up to occupy my attention.
A new post did not pop up. Such is life.
So I decided to write one. About nothing. Because that is the awesome thing about this blog.
And now, to actually go do some housework.
A new post did not pop up. Such is life.
So I decided to write one. About nothing. Because that is the awesome thing about this blog.
And now, to actually go do some housework.
Good Friends bring Dog Toys

Because they stayed there for 3 weeks, Ally figured out where they were!!! I didn't realize she could do that! I mean, she's smart, but I never thought she would remember where her toys were.
Now when she comes inside the first thing she does is get them all out. It makes me so happy. She is turning out to be such a good dog.
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
The Healthcare Bill - From a Biblical Perspective
Ok, so that title might be a bit too dramatic for what I am about to post. But I was thinking today.
So, the law was given to the national of Israel by God in the Pentateuch of the Bible. The law is quite complex, and involves different rules for sacrifices, house building, punishment for stealing, etc. And the purpose of this law was to show those who were part of Israel's nation that they needed God, and could not live up to perfect standards without God. In fact, the law is impossible to keep. Why? Because we are humans. And the thing about this law is that I have personally read right through the law several times, and am pretty darn sure that I would have a hard time following it and keeping it, even though it is readable. Although, I have found it to be less-than-exciting. If I had to pick a book of the Bible to be reading at this very moment, it would not be from the law.
So, now we move on to the healthcare "law".
This "law" is a 2,700 page monstrosity. Explain to me how we are supposed to follow this law, which nobody has even read all the way through, when the Israelites were not even capable of keeping the law that God gave them in the Old Testament? And the Pentateuch is readable!! Trying reading the healthcare law. I tried once. I made it about 4 pages. As Rush Limbaugh said, "It's impossible for the average American to know how to comply with this law and not be in breach of it."
Yeah. It isn't possible. Nobody will even be able to enforce it because nobody even knows what it says.
Let's just sit and ponder how truly ridiculous this law is. And then we can all call our legislator's and tell them to overturn this horrid, joke of a "law".
So, the law was given to the national of Israel by God in the Pentateuch of the Bible. The law is quite complex, and involves different rules for sacrifices, house building, punishment for stealing, etc. And the purpose of this law was to show those who were part of Israel's nation that they needed God, and could not live up to perfect standards without God. In fact, the law is impossible to keep. Why? Because we are humans. And the thing about this law is that I have personally read right through the law several times, and am pretty darn sure that I would have a hard time following it and keeping it, even though it is readable. Although, I have found it to be less-than-exciting. If I had to pick a book of the Bible to be reading at this very moment, it would not be from the law.
So, now we move on to the healthcare "law".
This "law" is a 2,700 page monstrosity. Explain to me how we are supposed to follow this law, which nobody has even read all the way through, when the Israelites were not even capable of keeping the law that God gave them in the Old Testament? And the Pentateuch is readable!! Trying reading the healthcare law. I tried once. I made it about 4 pages. As Rush Limbaugh said, "It's impossible for the average American to know how to comply with this law and not be in breach of it."
Yeah. It isn't possible. Nobody will even be able to enforce it because nobody even knows what it says.
Let's just sit and ponder how truly ridiculous this law is. And then we can all call our legislator's and tell them to overturn this horrid, joke of a "law".
Monday, April 9, 2012
May flowers... and april baths :)
Sunday, April 8, 2012
I have a terrible confession.
I am obsessed with the new Facebook Map..... I want my pictures all over that thing. I am realizing now that I never posted many photos that I have. At first I was confused, why wouldn't I post every single photo that I have? I remember now that when I was traveling, facebook only allowed the "simple" photo upload where you could only select one photo at a time. "Oh, yeah." I think to myself "That's why."
So is it terrible self centered of me, if I go back in time to post photos from the missing areas, just so my Facebook Map looks even more awesome?
I am obsessed with the new Facebook Map..... I want my pictures all over that thing. I am realizing now that I never posted many photos that I have. At first I was confused, why wouldn't I post every single photo that I have? I remember now that when I was traveling, facebook only allowed the "simple" photo upload where you could only select one photo at a time. "Oh, yeah." I think to myself "That's why."
So is it terrible self centered of me, if I go back in time to post photos from the missing areas, just so my Facebook Map looks even more awesome?
It is freezing right now
I am sitting in the lobby of a hotel right now, feeling supremely guilty. How can I come to a new place and not at least walk around to see new things?
Easy. It is freezing. No literally, I have been in AZ for almost 7 years now and apparently I am truly acclimatized. As soon as it dropped below 32 F I am pretty sure that I have the blood of a saguaro and I might go extincted if I don't get warm soon.
Add the wind in there, and I feel like this.
Actually, I am pretty sure that is a photo from me this morning. How did that get on the internet so fast?
So I justified staying in today and reading my book, and sleeping. I am trying to make myself feel better by saying that tomorrow I will wake up early and go to a market or somthing before we leave.... or something.
Easy. It is freezing. No literally, I have been in AZ for almost 7 years now and apparently I am truly acclimatized. As soon as it dropped below 32 F I am pretty sure that I have the blood of a saguaro and I might go extincted if I don't get warm soon.
Add the wind in there, and I feel like this.
So I justified staying in today and reading my book, and sleeping. I am trying to make myself feel better by saying that tomorrow I will wake up early and go to a market or somthing before we leave.... or something.
Saturday, April 7, 2012
I feel like the 'nursery' is drowning in a sea of clothes. I cannot wait until we get our dresser next week so I can organize everything and contain the sea of clothing into a small, confined space. I can tell you one thing - she is going to be the best-dressed baby ever.
I feel a little bit lost when it comes to these baby things. I have never before had to ask myself, "where am I going to put these baby bottles?" or "what exactly does one do with hoards of diapers?" because, as you can imagine, I have not faced this problem before. But now I find myself asking these questions, and wishing that a magical, diaper organizing fairy would appear and guide everything where it is supposed to go, instead of sitting in the middle of the floor and making me trip every time I walk into the room.
I feel a little bit lost when it comes to these baby things. I have never before had to ask myself, "where am I going to put these baby bottles?" or "what exactly does one do with hoards of diapers?" because, as you can imagine, I have not faced this problem before. But now I find myself asking these questions, and wishing that a magical, diaper organizing fairy would appear and guide everything where it is supposed to go, instead of sitting in the middle of the floor and making me trip every time I walk into the room.
Friday, April 6, 2012
Think think think.....
I am trying to drill somthing in my brain.. 
"Kara..... just becuase something seems bad..... DON'T FREAK OUT!!!!!!!!!!!"
I figure the more I say it, the more likely it will stick.
"Kara..... just becuase something seems bad..... DON'T FREAK OUT!!!!!!!!!!!"
"Kara..... just becuase something seems bad..... DON'T FREAK OUT!!!!!!!!!!!"
"Kara..... just becuase something seems bad..... DON'T FREAK OUT!!!!!!!!!!!"
"Kara..... just becuase something seems bad..... DON'T FREAK OUT!!!!!!!!!!!"
Wait.... what? Uh.... I was just talking about something.... important..... I think.....
Nope, it's gone whatever it was....
"Kara..... just becuase something seems bad..... DON'T FREAK OUT!!!!!!!!!!!"
I figure the more I say it, the more likely it will stick.
"Kara..... just becuase something seems bad..... DON'T FREAK OUT!!!!!!!!!!!"
"Kara..... just becuase something seems bad..... DON'T FREAK OUT!!!!!!!!!!!"
"Kara..... just becuase something seems bad..... DON'T FREAK OUT!!!!!!!!!!!"
"Kara..... just becuase something seems bad..... DON'T FREAK OUT!!!!!!!!!!!"
Wait.... what? Uh.... I was just talking about something.... important..... I think.....
Nope, it's gone whatever it was....
Friday morning musings...
I went to the doctor this week. Just like I did last week. And just like I will next week, and every week until she decides to make an appearance.
The visit went well, the doctor said that I just keep making it easy for him (which means it is easy for me to).
But then I wasn't dilated at all. Not even at all. Not even like 1/4 of a centimeter. Her head is really low (which I could've told you because I have to pee every 10 minutes).
I hope that she decides to humor me and show me SOME kind of sign that she is eventually coming at some point!!
On an unrelated note (or maybe very related), I can pick up my graduation cap, gown, and hood on the 21st! Two more weeks!!
Also, Culver's got LEMON ICE back!!! BEST DAY EVER! I can't tell you how much I miss that stuff!!! Lemon ice with raspberry, here I come.
The visit went well, the doctor said that I just keep making it easy for him (which means it is easy for me to).
But then I wasn't dilated at all. Not even at all. Not even like 1/4 of a centimeter. Her head is really low (which I could've told you because I have to pee every 10 minutes).
I hope that she decides to humor me and show me SOME kind of sign that she is eventually coming at some point!!
On an unrelated note (or maybe very related), I can pick up my graduation cap, gown, and hood on the 21st! Two more weeks!!
Also, Culver's got LEMON ICE back!!! BEST DAY EVER! I can't tell you how much I miss that stuff!!! Lemon ice with raspberry, here I come.
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