Saturday, February 11, 2012

Call me cookie monster...

Do you ever have one of those days where you feel like you could eat everything? Like, literally everything? Today is one of those days for me, and I am having a really hard time not walking into the kitchen and polishing off just about everything that we have. I just finished lunch, and I still feel SO HUNGRY!! So, instead, I am going to make a nice hot cup of herbal tea, force myself to read, and hopefully take a small afternoon nap. Then maybe when I wake up I won't feel like eating the whole house.


  1. Then her husband reads her post and reveals to the whole world the truth ...

    Actually, I don't think you have eaten that much today. Such discipline ...

  2. Haha, well that is because I tried to eat a little bit of very filling things. And was still hungry :(

    But I found the cure for hunger: The Indian buffet...I never need to eat again

  3. I feel like that today. Litterally, nothing seems to fill me up. I don't know what to do... I am frustrated also. :(

    Sigh. I just need to get busy doing somthing else.
