Thursday, February 9, 2012

Snip, snip

I think there are few things in life as satisfying as getting a well-needed haircut. I believe the last time I had my haircut was sometime in October, so it was WAY over due...the ends were getting bad, my bangs were no longer bangs but I could tuck them behind my ears...

And then today, I went to get a haircut. I went at 9:00 a.m., which much be the best time to go to the salon because there was NOBODY else there! Just me and the stylist, so it was nice and quiet.

The best part of all: The shampoo. I'm not sure why it's so wonderful, but I just love having my hair washed. Plus, the shampoo and conditioner smelled coconut-y/tropical.

And as she cut my hair, I saw all of the split ends falling away, and my hair once again felt light and healthy!! Added bonus is that I feel super confident and pretty all day because my hair is newly cut and styled.

I LOVE getting my hair cut.


  1. I haven't had my hair cut in over a year! I have been thinking about it a lot recently and I really want it done! I want to go shorter so that I look older, but I need someone besides my mom to do it because she always cuts my hair like its the 80s.

    Sigh... Plus I have to wear my hair under a hair net every day and it always goes crinkily so I thought shorter might better, but I don't know that for sure.

  2. I'm jealous you can go that long!! Your hair is always so pretty... If I wait too long mine starts to feel sort of like straw and it starts to look really bad :( I always wished I could do shorter too, but it always seems to be so much more work so I never do it because I can't make it agree with me once I leave the salon. But I think I have had the same basic haircut for of these times I'm going to go in and tell her to chop it all off...
