Friday, June 8, 2012

Famous Now

Guess who is famous now?

That's right I am!

I actually CALLED one of those talk shows! Can you believe I did that? I sure couldn't! I did a great job too?!? It was a local show for Phoenix called the Mike Broomhead show and he is amazing! I LOVE listening to him.

After this it will be Rush Limbaugh, and in fact he will think that what I have to say will be really good. So good that he will regularly invite me on the show, and I will build up an audience and start my own show and someday be the president of the United States.

That is exactly how it is going to go.


  1. Hey!! I've called the local show too!! I love doing that. I've done it 3 times now. Last summer when I was driving to Rochester all the time I spent over an hour in the car in the morning listening to the local show, so sometimes I would call in because I had nothing better to do and it helped me stay awake. Once I told a man what an idiot he was because he thought that Moms should be out working so they can afford to send their children to private school so they don't have to go to public school..and I think it is more important for Moms to be stay at home mommies.


    Let me know when you are guest hosting Rush Limbaugh. Maybe I can do in a call-in segment for a couple of minutes?

    Can I be your education czar when you are president? My goal will be to work myself out of a job and get the government out of schools :) Or maybe your vice president??

  2. um YEAH! I totally AGREE!!! You may be my education czar!

    I talked about those stupid laws in New York that prevent you from buying as much soda as you like. The radio show guy kept saying "the governemtn has no right to tell us what we put in our bodies' blah blah.. Which he is right, but it is a poor argument, becuase what about drugs. Eh?

    I wanted to know how you draw the line. At first I thought, well if what you are doing could hurt others... it should be illegal. Right? Like drunk driving, or being so high you can controll what you do... but then I feel like the liberals could say that we should limit sugar becuase fat people are hurting thier children becuase they can't take care of them etc etc. SOOOO I called to point out that I AGREE with him, but he needs a better arugment.

    It was kinda of Stupid.

    But it DID it!

  3. I think it's a really good idea to call and tell someone that, because if you agree with him but you think his argument is weak, imagine how people feel who disagree with him.

    I think the soda laws are stupid too, but I must say that I am trying to work through how I feel about certain issues.

    For example, do I think we should legalize marijuana? Sometimes I think so, especially for medicinal purposes and here is why. Somebody made the argument that convinced me. Their spouse was suffering from cancer and had to get chemotherapy. The chemo was strong, and made the person quite ill and nauseous and in a lot of pain and they completely lost their appetite, so they lost more weight and felt more ill and it was a vicious cycle. Now, if that person had been allowed some marijuana, it would have helped with their pain, and increased their appetite so they would have wanted to eat, making them healthier. Also, the effects of marijuana on the brain are not any worse than say vicodin or any other of the pain medicines we give out. So, why is vicodin ok, but marijuana isn't? However, I think the LAST thing we need is more doped up teenagers driving around and causing problems.

    I think if you can make the argument that it is ok to have a drink or two, as long as you don't get drunk and harm other people while you are drunk, then you can make the argument that pot is ok for people who need it for medicinal reasons.

    I guess my other point would be, do we want the government in all of these areas? I think allowing the government so much control is what is causing these problems to some degree in the first place. If government didn't have the control, people would have to THINK FOR THEMSELVES, heaven forbid. And, having the government have so much control downplays the role of the family and the church in society, which is another problem that we have. So, if marijuana is legal, that doesn't mean that I would use it because I don't think it is right to use mind-altering drugs for pleasure based on my Biblical beliefs and religious views.

    Also, I would never want stronger drugs (cocaine, ecstasy) to be legalized, because not only do those are much more harmful. People are so stupid and desperate though, that they will try and use anything - like this new bath salt thing. And now the government is talking about banning bath salts. *sigh*

    It is a complicated issue, and I could probably talk for WAY TOO LONG about it. So I will cut myself off here.

  4. Wow, that's a long reply. Sorry....

  5. I don't want them to pass the marijuana laws. I suppose I am one of those that believes there are already enough pain killers and addictive perscription drugs as it is. Perhaps that shows my ignorance, but the other problem I have with it, is that the people who used to ask for my signature to pass that law on ASU campus were always people that looked like pot heads. The campaign ditios were stupid enough NOT to ask thier druggies to clean up before going to the people and asking for support? I believe it shows thier confidence in the idiocy of the people. And now that Arizonian's can carry a Marijuana card, the ones who do (and admit that they do) also admit to doing other drugs (I have met THREE people like this). Is any one actually using it for medical reasons?

    But I have to admit that I have always felt uneasy about my stance on this, becuase it doesn't really match up with my conservative principles of less government. AND there are other drugs out there that are WORSE than Marijuana, so why pick on that one harmful substance. I hear the "entry drug" argument and I get it... but there are so many other things that could be the same thing. Are we going to ban them? (Compressed air cans, spray paints, bath soaps, and just about every pain killer) SO yeah. I am conflicted myself and I avoid the topic.

  6. You worded it better :) I have the same conflict. I don't want legalized marijuana, we have too many potheads, but I don't like government control. The only reason I think it is ok for medicinal use (e.g. for cancer patients) is because it kills pain and increases appetite, which is unique, because other pain medications may make people more sick or nauseous or dizzy, etc. But I don't want it ok for everyday use, like people stopping into coffee shops and grabbing some pot or something. Not ok.

    The only problem I have with the entry drug argument is that we would have to ban cigarettes too. In fact, I think one could argue that cigarettes are actually worse because of the toxins that they have in them, and the second hand smoke, and on and on and on. And I almost feel like it would be ok to ban cigarettes because they DO bother me - I hate smelling them and I really hate when Sophia can smell them or when she is exposed to second-hand smoke.

    It is just kind of a tough argument. It is one of the areas where I am more conservative and not so much libertarian.
