Friday, June 8, 2012

Ice Cream

I don't care what you say, I am going to cheat tonight and ahve some ice cream. I can't help it. I need it.


  1. Good for you. Do you guys have "Frost Gelato" in Mesa or is that still just a Tucson thing? Because Frost is amazing.

  2. Yeah... Tucson only... but I have a groupon for Gelato Dolce Vita... what to go?

    OOh yeah. :(

  3. :(

    Well, Chris and I have made it a "family tradition" (since about a week before Sophia was born) to go to Paciugo Gelato every Sunday after church. So, we can go get our gelato, and you guys can get that gelato, and we can pretend we are getting gelato together? Right? Sort of? :/
