Thursday, July 26, 2012


{ I just got on this blog to finish this post and when I saw the title I didn't recognize it, and I thought you were writing a dirty post... I gasped, but alas it was me being really stupid... I am going to leave it that way, hoping that you enjoy it}

I have noticed that some people have the most uncanny ability to "attract" certain things in life. Like Kayleen for instance. People are ALWAYS giving her stuff! She has already been through four cameras, three ipods and six phones. My parents gave me ONE phone and I had to buy the rest! She has been given a car and loads of money for school and bags and bags of clothes. I just don't get it. People love to give her stuff. You would NOT believe the things that she bring home sometimes that people just give her!

When we went to Hawaii, my husband sees her and we start talking. Then he says "Kayleen, every time I see you I just want to take care of you. What do you need?" SEE!!!!!!!!!!????!!?? SEE! How does she DO that? She doesn't whine she doesn't complain.... it just IS!

And Grammy, remember her? I have never met someone who has so many friends that have SO MUCH DRAMA! I am serious! Cheating, lying, stealing, rude rude rude... I just can't figure it out! But she isn't one of those terrible people. She is a very good person... how does that happen?

So I get wondering. What do I attract. You know? What do I make people want to do around me?

I think I figured it out.

I somehow make people want to protect me. I don't know how, I KNOW I don't ask for it. Every time someone swears or there is a bad scene in a movie, there can be a whole room full of people and the host will say "Sorry Kara, I forgot that was in there." Why? Or I will be at work and the dirtiest nastiest guy will ask someone tone it down because "Kara is a very nice person." I didn't ask for that, I didn't say anything (maybe I should have, but that is another conversation.) I feel like left and right I have people offering to walk me to my car... or there was even once this really embarrassing incident at work, where someone reported that a guy was "harassing" me, when it wasn't even CLOSE to that. No one wants me to get on a train alone or rent my own car.  Right now the guys don't want to let me work late on my own... for WHO knows what reason. Just the other day a co worker noticed the bruises on my face from wisdom teeth and he came into my cube all worried (but I guess any decent person would.)

Maybe everyone gets treated like this... but I doubt it. For some reason people think I can't handle the world.

Maybe I can't... so subconsciencly I put this out into the world.

I dunno... maybe I am just talking crazy right now because I have already worked 50 hours this week.

Yeah it is probably that one.


  1. Do you remember our friend Micah? He is our other 'witness' on our marriage license. Anyway, he always attracts weirdos. I mean, really weird people. It's amazing to me because he is the nicest guy but he always has these stories about weird people who he meets.

    I don't know what I attract, but I have had that happen before. Especially when I was working at Caribou, my coworkers would apologize if they swore around me or they wouldn't tell certain dirty jokes (which I appreciated, because I don't want to hear that!!).

    Yeah. I don't know who I attract. I would have to think about it...

  2. I was talking to my mom about htis and she says people are like that around me, just becuase I am good and wholesome.

    I am thinking "Are you sure it isn't becuase they think I can't handle it?" beucase that is what offends me about it. You know? I dunno.... I don't want to hear that stuff either, but I don't want to feel like the seven-year-old that everyone has to edit thier conversation for,

  3. I always kind of feel flattered when people do that. I feel like it is because they can sense (by God's grace) that there is something different about me, and maybe it will make them think twice about wanting to tell those jokes/etc. in their daily life.

    However, I also don't like to feel like the little kid in the room...

  4. it is never ending. I suppose.
