Tuesday, August 23, 2011

I Heart Gmail

This is how awesome Gmail is. I just got this message.
I just hate the google blogger! Why can't they make it just as awesome?

Friday, August 12, 2011

Disconnected from the WORLD

I am on a roll today. I feel like I have had a lot of blogging that I have not done so I guess maybe now is the time to make up for it.

Guess what I did this week? It was tragic, life-altering, an incredible experience. I spent the ENTIRE week, not by choice mind you, WITHOUT my cell phone. Yes, you read that right. A week without a cell phone.

I can't even describe to you how traumatizing that is. It's awful. You don't even realize how much you need your cell phone or how much safer it makes you feel until you are without it.

What if I witnessed an accident? Oh well.

What if I get mugged when I am walking to work? Out of luck.

What if I need to call the post office because they lost Chris' anniversary present (true story)? Too bad.

But, the good news is Chris found my cell phone yesterday. I am returning home to a cell phone today! I can't wait! That is, assuming I don't get stuck in traffic, or lost, or in an accident, and no one would ever know because I don't have my cell phone...

Google, I wish you did not control the universe.

Google has done it again. You may well ask yourself, what did Google do in the first place? I think you know. If you have not had trouble with Google, consider yourself lucky.

I tried to comment on my dear friend's post below about pink office supplies. Because, yes, pink office supplies are a necessity.

But, google would not let me because my profile isn't able to comment. What?? I've been commenting before with no problems at all. Why are we giving me trouble now?? *sigh*.

Also, I am having WAAAYYY too much fun with HTML codes, as you can probably tell.

On this day in history...

....a very important song comes to mind.


Thursday, August 11, 2011

Office Space

You can never have too many pink office items.

Especially pick thumb tacks.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Why I love you Dear Blog

Dearest Blog,

I am so grateful for you. So one listens to my random silliness like you. You make me feel heard. Like the world is listening and cares about the thoughts of a 23 year old process engineer. Have you ever thought, dear blog, the service that you provide for me in keeping me in touch with my best friend Katie. There are few Internet websites that brings a smile to my face so easily. I especially love you, because no one cares about you, and therefore I don't have to worry about every person that looks at you. As complicated as that may be, it is happiness. Don't ever leave me blog.
