Thursday, June 28, 2012



I just woke up from this HORRIBLE nightmare! I dreamed the supreme court upheld Obamacare.

Wait, what!? That actually happened?!?!?!

Well, my day is ruined.

Hindsight is 20/20

Do you ever have those moments where you think of something clever to say AFTER the moment has passed?

I thought of all of these things I wanted to say to the lady at my ex-externship position.

"Well, you said you weren't sure if you wanted 2 or 3 externs... I just made up your mind for you"

"YOU aren't acting professionally"

"30 days notice is far more than the standard social convention"

"your site isn't the only good site..."

Etc. etc. etc.

But I know I would never have said these things... And they would not have helped if I had said them. It was just a super awkward phone call.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012


I am feeling unhealthy levels of stress today. It is not good. I keep trying to find some sort of coping mechanisim. Like breathing deep or closeing my eyes and trying to slow my heart rate down.

it isn't working.

I hate that this is my biggest vice. I am so sick of feeling stress all the time. I need it to go away.


Friday, June 22, 2012


I am ready for this blog to look different.

Now to find the energy to do it.

What say you?

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Oh. My. Gosh.

I just woke up. I was lying in bed, and the baby starts squirming. Then, it happens.

I can only define it as the most terrifying sound I have ever heard.

It was so terrifying, in fact, that I am 99% sure that the baby actually blew a hole in her diaper.

And then she fell back asleep.

This presents me with a dilemma: do I let her sleep and feel totally guilty about not changing her, and possibly have to change the sheets and her pajamas when she wakes up? Or, do I do the responsible thing and wake her up? You may question my parenting skills upon reading that last part, but keep in mind that it was 4-something a.m., and she was sleeping! So, I woke her up.

And wow. It was almost as terrifying as it sounded. But I am officially impressed with 'Luvs' for holding that mess in. I did not even have to change her pajamas!

It was very much worth waking her up too, because after I was done changing her she wasn't mad at me for waking her up but instead looked up at me and gave me a big, beautiful smile! What a sweetheart.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

I have nothing to say...

...but I am posting anyway so I can use this app.

Had my interview on Friday and am anxiously waiting to hear from them. Should know by Friday...

Friday, June 15, 2012

Did you know?

That there is a blogger app? Yeah.... It's awesome. Now I can blog all the time!


This is silly, but I am pretty upset about something. See if you can figure it out.

Yeah. That's right. More people liked my last status than people liked me getting married.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012


So, I have to admit, no matter how many of those surprise military homecomings I see, they almost always make me cry...  Like the Dad showing up in the package near Christmas day, or the Dad who caught his son's pitch at a professional baseball game and then revealed who was behind the mask, or the Dad who showed up in his kid's classroom... They get me EVERY time.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Concussed Celebrities

I shouldn't find it funny, but I do.

Both Lady Gaga and Justin Bieber experienced concussions at recent performances.  "The Biebs" ran into a wall, and Lady Gaga was hit in the head by a pole during a performance. I shouldn't be amused at all, I know I shouldn't.. but I kind of am.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Ice Cream

I don't care what you say, I am going to cheat tonight and ahve some ice cream. I can't help it. I need it.

Famous Now

Guess who is famous now?

That's right I am!

I actually CALLED one of those talk shows! Can you believe I did that? I sure couldn't! I did a great job too?!? It was a local show for Phoenix called the Mike Broomhead show and he is amazing! I LOVE listening to him.

After this it will be Rush Limbaugh, and in fact he will think that what I have to say will be really good. So good that he will regularly invite me on the show, and I will build up an audience and start my own show and someday be the president of the United States.

That is exactly how it is going to go.

Not Creative

I am having one of those days where I can't think of anything to say.... whatsoever.

OH!!!! I JUST thought of one....

Hold on!

A Letter to the Girl at the Mall

Dear Girl-Who-Was-"Swimming"-in-a-Size-4-Dress,

Because of your very loud protests in the dressing room, I was able to hear just about everything about the clothes you were trying on. I have no sympathy for you that you were not able to find your size 0 or 2 dress.


Just-Gave-Birth woman in the dressing room next to you.

P.S. and even before I was pregnant, size 2 is something I have never ever seen...

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Obsessive, much?

I am having one of those days where I am checking the blog every 2 minutes...primarily because I am working on my capstone and looking for any excuse to procrastinate.  I have written a grand total of less than one paragraph in a little over an hour. I think maybe I need to be more productive than that.

Anyway, I have some good news to share. Sophia slept 8 hours through the night! 8 hours!! It was scary actually, I thought she had died. She went to bed at 11 p.m. and I woke up at 4 a.m. because that is normally the time she wakes up, only she wasn't awake.  I checked her crib to make sure she was still breathing! And she was... so then I went to the bathroom... and played on my iPhone... and finally fell back asleep around 5 a.m.  Then I woke up at 7 a.m. and she still wasn't awake so I rushed over to the crib and she was still alive and just starting to wake up.  It was awesome. I forgot how good that much sleep feels. I mean, I sleep about 8 hours normally anyway, but it is interrupted by feedings and diaper changes. This was nice.

Moment of Silence

It is the duty of this blog to honor those who created it.

For this reason, we will be holding a moment of silence, right now, for Kara Joy Bloomer, a loving wife, dog-mommy, sister, daughter, niece, and friend.

Yes, our dear Kara is now no longer able to drink Almond Milk.

Don't cry - it isn't what she would have wanted.

And now for our moment of silence.


Thank you.

Sincerely -

Staff of "The Bloomin' Pitts" blog.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Shaving Cream

So almost always I buy the "store brand" when I go grocery shopping with a few exceptions. Most recently I bought the "Up & Up" (Target) brand of shaving cream. I would recommend not buying it. It is not very good shaving cream :( maybe I got a bad bottle? Also, I have an interview next Friday!!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Birthday Boy

For Zach's birthday he decided to make ridiculous requests and demand that be done because "it's my birthday!"

My favorite was his request to stick several straws together so he didn't have to lift his jug of water to his face.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

I might be crazy...

So i am sitting here eating a snack. A few slices of pepper jack cheese, a banana and peanut butter. When all the sudden it occurs to me... That it might be a good idea to put the peanut butter on my cheese.... And I really considered it for some time. In fact I still think it might good idea....

Friday, June 1, 2012

Food for Thought

Kara is Awesome

So do you know what is awesome? I have this friend Kara who sent me Happy Birthday messages all day, in all different forms of media. It was pretty amazing, and definitely made my day.